whole wheat bread with molasses

no kneading, hardly

any stirring & 15

minutes of rise time


1 packet yeast+1 T molasses+5 oz warm water; 4 c white whole wheat flour, 10 oz warm water, 1 t kosher salt, sesame seeds

rest yeast mixture 5 minutes, add all but seeds; pour into parchment-lined loaf pan, add seeds, rest warm place uncovered 15 minutes; 450 F, 20 minutes; 400 F, 30 minutes; remove from pan; upside down on oven rack, 400 F, 10 minutes

sourdough apricot breakfast cake

white throated sparrows

in both morphologies call

old sam peabody

8 servings, 220 calories

1 c wheat chef, 3 eggs, 1 can apricots in juice undrained, 10 packets stevia, 1 T vanilla, 1/2 t sea salt, 2 c white whole wheat flour

stir in parchment-lined cast-iron pan; rest uncovered room temperature 3 hours; place in cold oven set to 425 F, 35 minutes